
Growing Resilience Permaculture

Responsive business web site for Growing Resilience Permaculture, LLC, a permaculture design and garden consultation business based in Eastern Washington. Deployed with Azure Cloud Services. Parses RSS feed from Libsyn to serve podcast episode data.

ExpressReactJavaScriptCSS3XMLRSSAzure Cloud Services

McGinty Wedding

Responsive single-page React site I built for my wedding! I got married on February 5, 2023. Uses Google Sheets to keep track of RSVPs via the Sheet Best API. Uses Google Maps React component to embed maps to relevant locations.

ExpressReactJavaScriptCSS3Sheet Best APIGoogle Maps API

DPT Therapy & Performance

Responsive business web site for DPT Therapy & Performance, PLLC, a physical therapy clinic based in Stephenville, Texas. Deployed with Azure Cloud Services. Uses Google Maps React component to embed map of clinic location.

ExpressReactJavaScriptCSS3Azure Cloud ServicesGoogle Maps API


Telegram chatbot that responds to messages, for use in a group chat. Plans for expansion include attaching a database to keep track of user information for the memes.

ExpressJavaScriptTelegram Bot API

Matt & Blonde Dating

User interface built for existing Google Sheet containing listener information for the Matt & Blonde Show for purposes of meeting potential romantic interests. Uses the Google Sheets API to display information and make it conveniently searchable.

ExpressReactJavaScriptCSS3Google Sheets API

Matt & Blonde Meetups

User interface built for existing Google Sheet containing listener information for the Matt & Blonde Show for purposes of forming meetup groups. Uses the Google Sheets API to display information and make it conveniently searchable.

ExpressReactJavaScriptCSS3Google Sheets API

Bybee Mfg. LLC

Responsive business web site for Bybee Mfg. LLC, a machine shop based in Brigham City, Utah. Uses SparkPost API to send email to the business owner through Contact and Quote forms.

ExpressReactJavaScriptCSS3Azure Cloud ServicesSparkPost Email APIGoogle Maps API


Podcast hosting site built for a local Topeka, Kansas gym owner and strength coach. Hosts and serves RSS feed and MP3 files for use by podcatchers. Deployed with Microsoft Azure Cloud Services.

ExpressReactReduxJavaScriptCSS3XMLRSSAzure Cloud Services

Pro Am Chess League Server

Freelance project completed for the US Chess Federation-affiliated Pro Am Chess League in Lenexa, Kansas. Includes a web scraper to obtain data on members and events from the USCF web site and build a SQL Server database of PACL members and events. Also includes Express API for convenient access to the PACL database.

JavaScriptNodeExpressSQL ServerAzureScraperAPI

Weather App

Imitation of the Apple weather app for Android. Uses OpenWeatherApi to obtain weather data for a given location. Supports searching for a chosen city or use of device's current location.

AndroidJavaKotlinRetrofitMaterial UI


Browser application built to allow users to create, run, and play in online chess tournaments on their own schedule. Uses the API to query player rating information and report game results.



Job search web app that allows users to search for companies and jobs, filter by salary, equity, or minimum and maximum number of employees.


Solar System Explorer

Browser application built to realistically depict the motions of the planets and moons of our solar system. Queries NASA's JPL Horizons database for real positions and velocities of solar system bodies at a selected date and time, then uses Newtonian physics to simulate motions of the bodies in space. This project was featured on Product Hunt in late May 2021.

ยฉ 2023 Jason McGinty
Made with
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