
Posted November 2 2021. 7 min read.
#The Good Life#Philosophy#Culture#Life#Career

An internet fren and fellow software autist had an experience recently. He was working a fully remote IT job with no plans to go back to the office any time in the foreseeable future. His company decided to go full communist and enact a vaccine mandate, even for fully remote employees. (This obviously makes no sense if the motivation is to keep people safe. If you think it does, GTFOH with that commie bullshit. You're not welcome here. We'll get to the real motivation in a minute.) Internet fren decided the only correct answer to his company was "pound sand", and I applaud him for it.

So he started looking for new employment and found it almost immediately with a company that didn't have a vax mandate. Started working for them, also fully remote. Then, again almost immediately, the new employer also went full commie and made a vax mandate anyway. So he's now in the same boat again, looking for employment. You can read the full version of at least the first part of his story on his blog, along with his reasoning for the decision he made. This is was written before he landed the second job, and he hasn't written a post on that part of the story yet to my knowledge, although he did write a follow-up post explaining his thinking a bit more after a couple of smooth brains made some Very Reasonableᵀᴹ challenges to the first post.

Addendum on November 6, 2021: Internet fren made another update to his story.

All this has me thinking about what I'm going to do when the Borg comes for me. Frankly I'm astounded that it hasn't already, given that I work in the same field as internet fren and I'm not even a remote employee. Ever since COVID fascism started I've been happier than ever to be out of the military for this very reason, and I have friends still in who have caved and gotten the jab. It's possible that by virtue of living in Kansas rather than some coastal communist hellhole, I'm a little more insulated than most from the Overbearing Mother that is the State. Even so, it's certain to come for me. What to do?

The Real Motivation

I implied before that the real motivation for companies making vax mandates is not the safety of their employees or anyone else. The real motivation is Power. I'm not going to be a boomer and explain that here because it's already been done by better autists than me. I don't care what companies say their motivations are. I don't even care what they believe their motivations are. I don't care that they're doing it because Mommy State told them to.

The fact is, the demon that is Power is manifesting itself through every single entity, public or private, that seeks to manipulate and control the behavior of its members and/or associates. That includes the state, your employer, your Rotary Club, and your boomer wine aunt. As another internet fren (who has since become an IRL fren) says, "The institution you trust has already betrayed you. You just don't know it yet."

I was talking to my parents the other day about the above story. My mom is a nice lady, but has some unrepentant boomer qualities like faith in institutions. She said that whenever you interview for a new job these days, if you don't want to be part of the Borg, you just have to be very clear with the company that you won't get vaxxed and make sure they don't have a vax mandate as a condition of employment.

There are several obvious problems with that, the first of which was illustrated in the very story I just told. If they don't have a mandate today, they'll just make one tomorrow. They're not going to agree to comply with your convictions and never make a vax mandate, and even if by some miracle they did, they'll just change their minds next week, or whenever Creepy Uncle Joe's handlers decide to crank up the pressure. They're sure as hell not going to put anything in your contract that says you'll never be forced to take the experimental injectable.

This is all for the sake of Power. The truth doesn't matter, virtue doesn't matter, the tRaDiTiOnAl AmErIcAn VaLuEs that boomercons love so much don't matter to these companies or to the state. Either they or whatever is acting through them wants you under their boot heel. They will say whatever they think needs to be said and do whatever they think needs to be done to make that happen. The reason they can do this is because you depend on them for your livelihood. If you live in the pod and eat the bugs, you do what pod owner say or you no get more bug paste.

Which leads me to the point of this article...

Becoming Independent

Obviously the answer to employer-instituted experimental injectable mandates is to tell them to shove it. Most people won't do that because they are dependent on said employer. The boomers who still have faith in institutions would say we just need something like a union strike against the mandates where enough people stop working and eventually the company will stop making money and be forced to cave. Don't count on that happening. They have power over you because you depend on them, and they don't depend on you. So stop depending on them.

The above-mentioned IRL fren says that the only way to be is to create your own livelihood where you don't have to ask someone's permission and kowtow to their demands to make a living, and I'm inclined to agree. This means having a skill or product that you can sell or trade to people directly, and getting started yesterday on building a side hustle that will eventually become your main hustle.

That's what I'm doing with this site. I don't know the first thing about running a business, except that the strategy is as follows:

  1. Find customer
  2. Do job
  3. Get paid
  4. Repeat steps 1-3
  5. ???
  6. Profit
  7. Don't be bugman

I've now done step 4 a few times and have a couple more rounds of step 1 in the works. Working on tactics for finding more customers since that seems to be the hardest part so far.

On a totally unrelated note, if you or anyone you know needs a nice looking, functional, totally customized web site for your small business, you're already here so you know where to find me. If you're a fellow aspiring non-bugman and you have any business ideas that you need a software guy to make happen, let's do it.

The Good Life

When I told internet fren's story at the beginning of this article I almost called it an "unfortunate" experience, but then I caught myself. I ain't God; who am I to judge what is fortunate and what is unfortunate? Getting forcibly resigned from two jobs in a row certainly appears unfortunate in the short term, but only God knows the ultimate outcome of it. Maybe it's the thing that drives him on to independence much faster than he otherwise would have gotten there, and wakes me up to the reality of the situation we're in.

I've known for a long time that the Good Life doesn't mean sitting around getting fat and collecting government welfare cheese, but the thing I've been waking up to more recently is that it probably also doesn't mean sitting around collecting private company salary cheese while your kids are raised in daycare by minimum wage midwits who don't care about them, later maybe get diddled by creepy public school teachers or boys wearing dresses and nail polish, then grow up to secretly hate you, become bugmen themselves, and eventually shove you into an old people version of the daycare place you put them into to live out the last decade and a half of your life in abject dementia-ridden loneliness.

The answer is building income sources, families, homes, and other things that last which will allow you to give the proper answer ("pound sand") to the COVID fascists while not taking yourself out in the process.


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